is a new philosophy of health developed by Leonard Carter that draws from muscle testing, logic, pharmacology, parasitology, physics and a number of other sciences to make a close examination of symptoms and their root causes. The thought process is organized around the rungs on a ladder from rungs 0 through 7.
The Health Ladder is intended to be self-explanatory and is located below as an image. Each side of the ladder gets a letter (i.e. A-side vs. B-side) while each rung of the ladder gets a number (i.e. rungs 0 through 7). If a written explanation is desired, one is included further down in this article.
Overview: Condition and Resolution
On The Health Ladder, all aspects of health are divided into Conditions, which appear on the A-side of the ladder, and their corresponding Resolutions on the B-side of the ladder.
A: Condition
B: Resolution
This is common sense, right? Every condition is what it is, and we have a very human need to find a resolution for it. As a psychological progression, this can be seen as ACTION (the condition that acts upon us) and REACTION (what we do about it).
A well-known example is taking antibiotics. Having a bad bacteria is the condition and taking an antibiotic is the resolution. Hence Bad Bacteria is on the Condition (A-side) of the ladder (at rung 2A in this case), while the Antibiotics are on the Resolution (B-side) of the ladder (at rung 2B).
Everything that falls on the A-side of the ladder is on some level a condition. Anything that falls on the B-side is the resolution to it.
Rungs 0A to 7A
Each rung on the A-side of the ladder exists as a concept and each concept is numbered (i.e. 0A through 7A).
The word agreed upon to summarize the Symptom (6A), that historically was also presumed to cause it.
The expression of RUNGS 1A–5A at a level that can be perceived or measured.
The regions of the body that manifest the chronic stress from RUNGS 1A–4A, often below the sensory awareness threshold.
Fungus: your best friend, helps you break down Bad Bacteria (2A).
Virus: your worst enemy, thrives in an environment of Metal Toxicity (3A).
Elements in their non-bioavailable form adhere to you when Bad Bacteria (2A) absorb them for cellular metabolism.
At some stage all Bad Bacteria (2A) come from a Parasite (1A). Once excreted into your body they circulate everywhere, causing inflammation and tissue damage.
Multiple species of parasites inhabit every body region. They deplete nutrients, damage tissue and excrete Bad Bacteria (2A). Best eliminated by Frequency Therapy (1B).
All animals in nature are the primary or intermediate hosts to various parasite species (1A), many of which can infect humans.
Vertical Up vs Vertical Down Reading
Vertical: The A-side of The Health Ladder can be read vertical up or vertical down.
A vertical up reading of the ladder from bottom to top (rungs 0A to 7A) illustrates that parasites exist in nature as 0A Vectors. Then, at rung 1A Parasites, they infect us and excrete 2A Bad Bacteria. These 2A Bad Bacteria both excrete waste into us and cause 3A Metal Toxicities to stick to us as excess waste. At rung 4A, either a 4A Fungus helps us break down the excess bacteria and metal toxicity, or an opportunistic 4A Virus feeds upon it, stressing our immune systems. When these factors happen in a 5A Location we develop a 6A Symptom and at rung 7A The Name, the symptom is named as a medical condition such as celiac or diabetes.
In a vertical down reading of the ladder from top to bottom (rungs 7A to 0A), a patient consulting with their doctor might be given a tailored Health Ladder profile stating: This is your 7A Name which summarizes your 6A Symptom; it is happening in this 5A Location where you are experiencing this 4A Fungus or 4A Virus that is feeding on this 3A Metal Toxicity that is sticking to you because of this 2A Bad Bacteria that is coming from this 1A Parasite. There is a chance that you got it from this 0A Vector.
Horizontal Reading
A horizontal reading of The Health Ladder moves on a single rung from the A-side to the B-side. This is actually the more common, psychological approach to a condition, where immediate, often reactive relief is sought rather than an analysis of the symptom.
In a horizontal reading, each A-side CONDITION finds its B-side RESOLUTION at that same rung. Some examples are that if we have a 7A Name, it calls for 7B Social Support: a hug, if nothing else; a 6A Symptom might help our doctor to know what 6B Treatment to give us, which might be in the form of a medication or a surgery; a 5A Location calls for some form of 5B Therapy such as supplementation or a physical modality.
Rungs 0B to 7B
At RUNG 7B, everyone can support you better when they know The Name (7A) that summarizes your symptoms.
RUNG 6 treatments are symptom-focused: surgery, drugs and some manual modalities are all designed to suppress the Symptom (6A)
RUNG 5 therapies are support-focused: vitamins, supplements, herbs and some manual treatments attempt to heal the Location (5A).
Antifungals: overlook the fact that fungi play a vital role in health.
Antivirals: don’t generally provide a long-term solution.
At RUNG 3, chelation therapy can minimize the Symptom (6A) by starving Bad Bacteria (2A) of their elemental metabolites.
Probiotics: temporarily replace good bacteria that is chronically suppressed by Bad Bacteria (2A) from parasites.
Antibiotics: kill off Bad Bacteria (2A) but never Parasites (1A).
Eliminates all species of Parasites (1A) from all locations. Clean, quick, comprehensive and free of side effects,
Educate yourself. Start by reading Experiments in Muscle Testing by Leonard Carter. Then, apply what you learn.
While the A-side of the ladder can be read up or down, the B-side of the ladder only relates horizontally to its same-side rung. You might try a 3B Metal Detox for a 3A Metal Toxicity, but it would not make sense to use a 3B Metal Detox for a 1A Parasite.
Core Implication
The core implication of The Health Ladder is that parasites cause medical conditions.
While this does appear to be the case, it should be understood that this chain of causality is indirect. Modern medicine, which proposes that 2A Bad Bacteria cause medical conditions, is correct. 2A Bad Bacteria do cause medical conditions, but if the ongoing source of the 2A Bad Bacteria is a 1A Parasite we are hosting, it appears that the distinction of actual causality is semantic, since both factors play a part.
For this reason, the interpreter or experiencer of any health issue is encouraged to think of their condition as having 7 layers (8, if you count the 0A Vector), that each is legitimate and that to understand the condition we should use the rungs on The Health Ladder as placeholders and fill in as many blanks as we can.
Inevitably, nobody will understand enough about their own health to be able to fill in every blank, and this is the most valuable aspect of The Health Ladder philosophy. When we are unable to fill in a blank, it tells us that we do not know something. Upon consideration, it should become apparent that finally, perhaps for the first time, we know what question we don’t know the answer to. Now we know what question to ask. This can be more helpful than you might realize as it tells us where to direct our investigations. Finally we can focus on the true root causes of our symptoms instead of spending all of our time at Rungs 6 and 7 on the ladder.
If more information is desired about The Health Ladder and its implications, it can be found in my book EXPERIMENTS IN MUSCLE TESTING: A universal guide to health, wellness and longevity. It is available at VITRUVIAN PRESS. Experiments in Muscle Testing is Book 1 of The Complete Muscle Testing Series (currently in progress), a set of 36 books that is based around The Health Ladder applications to different aspects of wellness.
While The Health Ladder © is copyrighted material belonging to Leonard Carter/Vitruvian Press, the reader is encouraged to adopt it for personal use. If the image below is saved onto a tablet device, you can use a digital pen to manually fill in the blanks for any condition you want to understand better.
Secondary Implication
The secondary implication of The Health Ladder is that parasites can be treated with electromagnetic frequencies.
They can and they can’t.
In theory it is scientifically possible but nobody has ever invented a perfectly effective device. That doesn’t mean nobody ever will—it is a distinct scientific possibility.
In practice however, if the process involves using Rife frequencies or a Hulda Clark parasite zapper, that won’t work. There are aspects of nonlinear (chaos) mathematics that need to be understood to solve the problem of using a static frequency to treat the human body, which is in a constant state of dynamicity. Rife didn’t understand this so all his numbers are wrong, and the so-called parasite zappers sold online, programmed with his frequencies, have the sophistication of plastic children’s toys.
To understand the context in which it might be possible for a 1B Frequency Therapy to treat a 1A Parasite, we need to consider the difference between a frequency and a drug. While it is understood that a pharmaceutical antiparasite medication is a drug, and by contrast a frequency is an electromagnetic waveform, it is the case that both are in fact electromagnetic waveforms.
The distinction is that a drug is a chemical frequency, while an electromagnetic waveform is an electrical frequency. Technically they are both frequencies. Even though we think of a medication as a solid chemical product, it never actually touches us. At the subatomic level nothing touches anything else. Electrons go nowhere near each other, protons and neutrons are full of subatomic particles and these in turn are mostly empty space. Once the medication percolates down to that level of diffusion, it reaches a state where it propagates a frequency. We can call this a chemical frequency for clarification but the chemical is just the delivery system, the frequency can only be propagated as an electromagnetic waveform.
While the implication of rung 1B on The Health Ladder is that a pure electromagnetic waveform might do a better job than the chemical form, this doesn’t invalidate the legitimacy of the chemical frequency. A chemical antiparasite medication is categorized at 1B, just like an electrical frequency is. Chemicals can be highly effective. The issue is the dosage toxicity problem, where a scenario will commonly arise that the person hosting the parasite needs a greater dosage of the chemical than it is safe to take.
What to do? Well, nothing. Why do you think every news article about someone who has a parasite ends with the statement that it was surgically removed? If chemical frequencies were potent enough, don’t you think they would have simply given that person a pill? This is why using advanced math to find a way to program an electrical frequency to do what a chemical frequency cannot is, at Rung 1B: Frequency Therapy, the future of human healthcare.
There are solutions to the dosage toxicity problem using electrical frequencies but my concern is that most people aren’t even asking the right questions. The answer will only make sense to you once you realize what question you should be asking. Until then, this just sounds like abstract information.
This is not abstract information—this is your life. These are your 6A Symptoms happening in your 5A Location caused by your 1A Parasites. But was that even the question you were asking about your 6A Symptoms? If you’re like most people, you’re moving in the wrong direction on The Health Ladder: moving up to the 7A Name, away from the true root cause.
The Health Ladder clarifies where we should be directing our mental focus. It clarifies what questions we should be asking. That is a huge start. Now, we’re getting somewhere.